Quality のトップ10機能
XLSTAT Quality では、XLSTAT Basic、XLSTAT Basic+ の各機能に加えて、以下の機能を使用することができます。
- Power analysis
- Statistical power for mean
comparison - Statistical power to compare variances
- Statistical power for proportion
comparison - Statistical power for linear regression
- Statistical power for ANOVA / ANCOVA / Repeated measures ANOVA
- Statistical power for logistic regression
- Statistical power for Cox model
- Sample size for clinical trials
- Statistical power for correlation
- Statistical power for mean
- Design of experiments
- Screening designs
- Analysis of a screening design
- Surface response designs
- Analysis of a surface response
design - Analysis of a mixture design
- Taguchi designs
- Analysis of a Taguchi design
- Mixture designs
- Decision aid
- ELECTRE methods
- Design of experiments for the analytic hierarchy process (DHP)
- Analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
- Decision trees
- Statistical process control
- Individual charts
- Subgroup charts
- Attribute charts
- Time weighted charts
- Pareto charts
- Gage repeatability and reproducibility (quantitative)
- Gage repeatability and reproducibility for attributes
トライアルでは、最上位グレード XLSTAT Premium に加え、3D Plot と LatentClass のオプションもご利用いただけます。